Monday, April 14, 2014

Stem and leaf plot

Stem and leaf plots are used to clearly organize numerical information while also minimizing the space in which it would take to order each number seperately.  The map above is perfect example of a stem and leaf plot.  In the first line of the plot it organizes the numbers 22,26, and 27 in a line in which reduces the amount of characters on the page.  

Box plot

Box plots are used to map the distribution of data in comparison with other data from the same study.  These maps may be represented vertically as seen above or horizontally.  The map above does not contain any information but does clearly represent the order in which data is graphed.


Histograms are used to map data that is distributed over time.  The above map shows the frequency of arrivals per minute.  The histogram clearly allows the information to be viewed in the order in which it took place.

Parallel coordinate graph

Parallel coordinate graphs are used to more clearly identify high definition three dimensional geometry.  This can be used to decipher certain angles in geometrical shapes such as in maps created through ArcGIS.  The above graph shows the angles of the geometric shape by placing parallel lines between the shape helping for it to be more clearly observed.  

Triangular plot

Triangle plot maps are used to compare three different variables and show how they relate to one another.  The plot above of soil composition is a great example because it clearly identifies the three variables, being sand, silt, and clay.  The plot shows the soils composition in a study area and the percentage of each variable with in it.  


A windrose is a tool used by geographers and meteorologist's to record wind direction.  The windrose has seven measures between the standard north, east, south, and west measures.  The above windrose portrays the perfect windrose because it contains all measures.  


Climographs map both precipitation and rainfall in a certain area over a certain amount of time.  The map above is a good example of a climograph.  The map shows temperature using green bars and precipitation using a red scatter line.